Are you distressed?
Of course, you are. But do you know why?
Your mind is full of borrowed ideas—handed to you before you could validate or question them. These ideas started creeping in before you could even speak, accelerated under the guise of "educating" you, and continued piling up long after there was no space left.
Over time, they’ve dug in deep. Now, you can’t differentiate between what’s true and what’s merely a belief. All you can see is what these beliefs allow you to see—and that’s not much.
Dragged down by the weight of these beliefs, you’re exhausted. You’re like a computer running a phantom, useless, endless program that consumes all your power but achieves nothing of value. Overloaded with problems that aren’t even yours, your vision grows cloudier by the day.
Nothing will ever feel great again because we’re getting older. If aging is real, it’s not just the years—it’s the burden of memory, the sheer weight of the incongruent, inconsistent things we carry.
These are facts. Depressing facts. But this message isn’t meant to depress you.
Because now, we’ve outed the villain: a whole mess of uncurated, unexamined junk that was placed in your mind without your permission. What did we call it? Borrowed belief. Good term, isn’t it?
So, What’s Your Escape?
It all comes down to one moment of clarity. One essential skill:
The ability to distinguish between what’s truly there and what you’ve been made to believe is there.
Write them down. Almost everything you hold as truth is second-hand information. Country, religion, man, woman—well, almost everything you believe should make it to this list.
What do you truly know for yourself? I’ll answer for myself: Nothing. (Except for some technical knowledge I value, like operating a computer or using language.)
But here’s the promise: Once you see these beliefs for what they are, they’ll lose their power. They’re like paper dragons—intimidating until you recognize them for what they are. And once you do, you’ll never be impressed by them again.
Here’s Another Truth:
No one can help you with this. Not a teacher, not a guru, not a practice. All they can do is add to your burden and throw you into a newer, more novel hole.
Just trust me for a moment here—don’t trust anyone. And now that we’ve cleared that up, don’t trust me either.
Final Thoughts:
Everything said here is 100% true—a simple, undeniable fact of our current predicament. With that, and with a heart full of compassion, I wish you all the best. Thanks for your time.